The average house price on GLENDALE CLOSE is £400,843
The most expensive house in the street is 2 GLENDALE CLOSE with an estimated value of £461,210
The cheapest house in the street is 5 GLENDALE CLOSE with an estimated value of £371,902
The house which was most recently sold was 7 GLENDALE CLOSE, this sold on 30 Sep 2021 for £350,000
The postcode for GLENDALE CLOSE is HU10 7XB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
7 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £379,949 £350,000 30 Sep 2021
2 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £461,210 £267,500 20 Dec 2010
3 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £424,505 £292,750 17 Jul 2015
4 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £375,935 £290,000 26 May 2017
5 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £371,902 £300,000 16 Aug 2019
12 GLENDALE CLOSE Detached £391,561 £250,000 19 Oct 2007